Sunday, January 10, 2010

In Brief...

I will have a more complete post a later time. Until then, here a little something in brief:

-My room is at the end of the house, and I have a window on each side. There is a little creature that, walking with a tiny little pitter patter of feet, I hear go from one side of the house, around to other. Really freaky. Made me thing of this:¤t=mrmarbles.flv

-Kenya recently had a census. The woman asked me if I had any deformities. My response: "Other than my personality?" She didn't get it.

-I was taking my wash down from the clothes line. I was only standing there for one minute, when I began to feel these little pinches all over my body, up to my shoulders. Turns out, in the brief time that I was standing in one spot, fire-ants had crawled on me, and decided to tenderize me. At least I learned a real world application for all those high knees that my football coaches made me do.

-When I was staying in Loitokitok for training, my home stay mama kept telling me that there were zebras that slept outside out gate, and that I only needed to go out early enough to catch them, but I was always a tad too late. One day, coming back from class, I saw a zebra on our farm, about 200 yards away, and decided to chase them. I ended up walking with the zebras for about a mile, before they got to a particularly dense grove of trees, turned around, and started looking like they were trapped, and the only way to escape was through me. I decided that my safari was over at that point.

-I think that I may have accidentally given my first bribe. I was going to Malindi for the day, and had to be there by 9am. But I also had some packages, which that time cost about 950 shillings in customs fee, that I was picking up from the post office, which didn't open until 9am. But there was a very friendly gentleman inside who took my slip and my 1000 shillings. When I took my packages I forgot about my change, and he, conveniently, did too.

-A bat flew into my room. I whacked him on the wing with a broom, but I didn't finish him. He managed to scurry away, and took up a very squeaky residents in my couch. I spent two feverish night, locked in mortal battle with the beast; as he scurried back and forth in my couch I would thrash about with my broom stick, never making solid contact. Finally, having decided that brute force was not adequate in such a contest, I decided to rely on guile. I left the flying rat to his own devices, and lay in wait in the dark. After a few hours, he finally emerged, and tried to make good his escape, at which point I trapped him in the corner, and crushed his tiny little skull with my mighty broomstick.

That's all for now.


  1. You'd rather be happy than right?'The times,they are a changing!
    Love ya

  2. you KILLED a bat?? For SHAME!!! :)
